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Our Vision & Missions

Our Vision

Enable unparalleled living and working "Mobility & Flexibility” by making Energy accessible to "Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime"

Our Missions

  • Provide the most reliable, safe and cost effective ENERGY STORAGE SOLUTIONS

  • Provide "Custom" solutions to serve our clients' unique Needs and requirements

RytEnergy at a Glance

RytEnergy at a  Glance

RytEnergy in a glance.png
Our Story and Strategy

Our Story and Strategy


Although, lithium-ion batteries have been available commercially since 1991, it was only around 2000 that renewable energy and electric cars were mature enough to drive high-capacity battery systems. However, safety, price, proprietary designs and communication compatibility across different hardware and software platforms had limited the main stream adoption of the electrical storage technology.

So, in 2000, founders of RytEnergy; a US company based in Silicon Valley, California; envisioned to make energy accessible to “Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime” and ventured to find ways to overcome the safety, price and compatibility issues in face of unsurmountable competitions such as Tesla, LG and other large industry Giants.

Founders of Rytenergy all came from different backgrounds. Claudio Patini a marketing and sales executive in auto & solar industry, Erni Sudjono an International finance expert and Semer Sadjadi a technical innovator with track record of creating highly successful products came together to find ways to overcome the safety, price and compatibility issues of battery storage systems and to make energy accessible to “Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime” a reality.

Knowing that Lithium-Ion batteries can overcome the safety concerns combined with the fact that over 80% of raw material and manufacturing resides outside of US, strategy was obvious. Drive prices down by scaling the main lithium-ion manufacturing to increase the demand where the demand potentially can be high.

This is where the marketing, sales, financing and technical expertise of the founders helped to form international partnerships to design and manufacture products and keep the consumer prices down by offering our products directly to customers rather than through dealerships.

However, as expected players in any industry try to have propriety and closed systems to promote name brands and ask for premium pricing. This is a well-known strategy, but it is bound to fail in most cases when everyone, everywhere and anytime can afford a product or service. To further make products affordable, reducing technical exclusivity was and is the key. Rytenergy’s products are build based on open-source technologies and where possible all elements are integrated to make plug-and-play systems a reality.

To further address the local requirements of each region in the world, local partners were incentivized to directly interface with customers, address local legal and environmental requirements, provide service and support and be able to modify the products to customer needs.

Today, Rytenergy portfolio of products include residential, Commercial & Industrial and utility scale power storage systems with installed base in Asia, Europe and Americas.  In addition, Rytenergy has established partnerships with US based EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) companies to be able to provide turn-key solutions for larger utility and commercial projects.

Rytenergy strategy is to continuously expand by adding complementary products and services through partnerships to increase demand and further drive affordability to be faithful to the vision of making energy accessible to “Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime”.

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